The Pine Valley Ranch features do-it-yourself Christmas tree cutting, also includes a gift shop with local art, wreath making and a snack shop. The ranch is very family-oriented, there is nothing like a fresh-cut tree that last longer. The ranch supplies saws to those interested in cutting down their own tree and also has several pre-cut varieties.
Pine Valley Ranch
Great place to get fresh cut Christmas Tree.
- Hours 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
- Date Last Sunday in November - December 24th
- Address 10680 Kemper Road, Auburn, CA 95603
- Phone 530 885-3005
- Website PlacerGrown
- Great For Amazing memories
- Fresh Tree
- Wreath Making
- Snack Shop
Take Highway 49/Grass Valley Highway toward Grass Valley, turn left onto Atwood Road. Turn left onto Richardson Drive and right onto Kemper Road.
Rickey Ranch Pumpkin Farm
Granite Bay, CAFarm-grown pumpkins, skeleton on old farm equipment, hayrides, horse rides and check our pigs, chickens, goats and sheep.