Elizabeth Williams Park
It is a great place fish, relax next to the lake and enjoy a barbecue with friends and family.
Get your tackle-box ready! Elizabeth Williams Park has long been a favorite of anglers. Just north of Kaspian Campground and along the bike trail, it is also a great place to relax next to the lake and enjoy a barbecue with friends and family.
- Hours Dawn to Dusk
- Address 3201 West Lake Boulevard, Homewood, CA 96141
- Phone 530-580-6279
- Website Elizabeth Williams Park
- Best Feature Fishing!
- Fishing
- Bike Trail Access
- Picnic Areas
4 miles south of Tahoe City on Highway 89.
Arena Softball
Roseville, CAThe facility itself comprises of a number of different fun areas.
Skate Park & Overlook Park
Auburn, CAThe Overlook Park and Skate Park offer a beautiful view of the canyon.