Old Town Auburn Antiques
Postcards, books, glassware, collectibles, small furniture, ephemera, vintage costume jewelry, artwork, vintage photos, country primitives.
Postcards, books, glassware, collectibles, small furniture, ephemera, vintage costume jewelry, artwork, vintage photos, country primitives.
- Hours 11:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
- Address 1586 Lincoln Way, Auburn, CA 95603
- Phone 530-820-3511
- Website Old Town Auburn Antiques
- Best Feature Old Town Auburn is a great place to relax and enjoy a slice of Old California's pleasures and treasures.
- Postcards
- Books
- Collectibles
Located in Historic Old Town Auburn.
Barnes & Noble
Roseville, CAAs the ultimate destination for book lovers, Barnes & Noble offers an incredible array of content.
Auburn, CABe sure to check Serendipity out for its old favorites – fun and functional gifts, greeting cards and stationery, Annaleece jewelry, wine-related and mountain/lodge accessories, porch flags, candles, music CDs, lamps, clocks, and more.
The Silver Store
Auburn, CAThe Silver Store offers a wide variety of sterling silver jewelry: rings, chains, charms, and stone pendants. A great selection of fun accessories: handbags, wallets, leather bling belts, hats, sunglasses and much more.